The following utility functions are available as "value" in a JSS definition.
JSS.linearGradient([point,] color [,color] ... [,color])
This function returns an array of gradient values for webkit and mozilla.
JSS.linearGradient("silver 40%", "gray")
"-moz-linear-gradient(silver 40%, gray)",
"-webkit-linear-gradient(silver 40%, gray)"
Sample usage:
background_image: JSS.linearGradeint("silver 40%", "gray")
JSS.color(color[, factor])
This function takes a color either as string in format (#)RRGGBB or as array [r,g,b] with RGB values. It then multiplies the single values for red, green and blue with the factor and returns the result as String in format #RRGGBB. If factor is omitted factor 1 is used.
JSS.color("#ffc800", .9)
returns "#e5b400".
Sample usage:
background_color: JSS.color("#ffc800", .9)